The Islamic Monthly

Viral Videos – do they make a difference?

play_button-1969pxDo viral video awareness campaigns, like this one about the war in Syria, really make a difference?

March 15th marks the three-year anniversary for the bloody civil war in Syria. During this time, the international community has been reluctant to intervene to stop the fighting, other than to provide humanitarian aid and nominal support for rebel fighters against the current Bashar Al Assad regime. Meanwhile, more than 100,000 Syrians have been killed. So many people have died, that the United Nations has stopped counting. There are more than 2 million refugees and 4 million internally displaced Syrians. The UN and European Union have stated that the Syrian conflict is “the greatest humanitarian tragedy of our times.”


Will a nearly two-minute video featuring a young Western Caucasian girl suffering the horrific trauma and tragedy of war really make people stop and think?

Will people be so moved as to act by donating funds or offering aid?

Will this video motivate viewers to call on their governments to change their policies towards Syria?

Leave your comments below.