The Islamic Monthly

TIM Editorial Policy

The Islamic Monthly has in place the following editorial policy.  By submitting a piece for consideration of publication and with publication with us you are agreeing to abide by our editorial policy.
The Islamic Monthly (TIM) is a nonreligious non partisan publication that aims to publish issues on a broad range of ideas.
1.  No article is guaranteed to be published.  TIM reserves the right to determine if a piece should be published, even if the editors suggest, approach or work with you on the publication of a piece.  That being said, however we work hard with authors to bring a wide range of discussion and positions on our platform and enthusiastically accept and solicit these types of pieces.
2.  By agreeing to submit a piece with us, either by print or online, you acknowledge and accept that this piece has not been published before.
3. In addition, you agree that this article and headline has not been taken in whole or in part from any other publication in print, or online.  We have a zero tolerance for plagiarism.
4. TIM reserves the right to add editorial notes on pieces if so determined and considered necessary.
5.  We take no editorial stance on any agenda or position. A part of this stance is to allow for refuting parties to respond.  We reserve the right to reach out to opposing parties when we feel appropriate to offer them the space to respond.
6.  Pieces published do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of the magazine.  In addition deleted comments or those that remain published do not as well reflect the editorial stance of the magazine.  As such we reserve the right to state something as an opinion piece if we deem it necessary
7. We will send you a private url for final viewing before publishing and distributing.
8. Articles published on our site are copyright.