The Islamic Monthly

TIM appoints an Ombudsman



As any new journalistic enterprise, The Islamic Monthly (TIM) faces a range of challenges. One of these challenges is addressing controversial topics from all sides. A big part of TIM’s core mission is to present important issues and concerns of the day that may not always be easy or comfortable to discuss, but that requires the attention and careful concern of its community of readers. TIM is absolutely dedicated to tackling these difficult topics in a well-balanced manner.

In order to take another step towards improving the magazine and upholding it to high standards of journalism, we are appointing our first ombudsman.  This individual will serve as an independent party who will from time to time receive and investigate complaints, concerns or issues raised by readers, writers or any member of the TIM community addressing accuracy, fairness, and balance of published material.  In publishing their findings, the ombudsman will present his or her perspective on the matter providing a thorough and impartial analysis of topics that elicit strong reactions.  Like most mainstream media organizations, the ombudsman will help determine whether the actions of the magazine or any pieces published are in line with good journalistic practice.

In this light we are pleased to have Daniel Tutt serve as our ombudsman. Daniel has worked in the American Muslim community for nearly a decade in various roles, has extensive experience in media and has worked as a researcher, and through his doctoral studies now focuses on issues of contemporary philosophy.  Prior to this announcement Daniel has had no involvement with TIM in any capacity.

We are excited about the direction of the magazine and believe bringing an ombudsman on to our team will only help improve the quality of the publication. As always, we welcome feedback from our readers on this matter and look forward to the many debates and discussions that unfold online and through various forums.

Thank you for your readership and for being a part of the TIM community,

-Amina Chaudary
