Images taken by friends and family who attended, prayed, and buried these three young, talented, beautiful Americans. Additional images to be added. All photos here published with permission.
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. ~Khalil Gibran
There is no way three stars of humanity should be put in the ground today. I want to speak but my breath has been taken away all day. ~ Said Durrah
My humble reality of this day was that time slowed amidst the grieving family and friends of these three beautiful souls. Allah has them now. I watched them settle into the ground and not only was it a reminder to the community that life is precious and singular it was a personal reminder, that I always need, that we are part of a grander purpose. ~ Rehana Hakeem Khatri
We are so happy that God felt we are strong enough to handle this and we rely on His wisdom for this plan. ~ Farris Barakat