Editor’s Monthly Picks – Volume 1

Editor’s Monthly Picks – Volume 1

Round Up

Dear Readers, here are the hottest trending stories from our website from the past month.


renisliderLove Gone Wrong

This personal narrative involves one of the biggest stories in 2013 related to the Boston Marathon bombing. The wife of Ibrahim Todashev tells her story filled with love, tragedy, and confusion. Editor-in-Chief, Amina Chaudary, provides on a thought-provoking op-ed on what Ibrahim’s death can teach us.

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mlksliderDo Muslims Really Care About Martin Luther King, Jr.?

In one of our most shared articles this month, Saadia Faruqi poses the question about the Muslim interest in celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. this January. This piece serves as a well-thought reminder about promotion equality for all and not just for one.

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salafisliderWill the Real Salafi Please Stand Up!

In the debate of good Muslims vs. bad Muslims, columnist, Michael Perez, warns against the use of labels in the Muslim community. This controversial topic speaks of the harm Muslim-made categories can inflict.

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healthsliderSyrian Healthcare System in Danger

A pressing global issue, doctors and other healthcare providers are fleeing the country of Syria. Without adequate care available, many people are treated in dangerous, makeshift conditions or rushed to Turkey for medical care.

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abusesliderReclaiming My Life After Sexual Abuse

In our most trafficked post of the month, one brave woman learns to find herself again. Coping with life after sexual abuse, she aims to find peace.

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Expanding Our Compassion Footprint

The University Muslim Medical Association Community Clinic provides full service, free medical care. Columnist, Dalia Mogahed, encourages readers to follow their example and increase humanitarian efforts.

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Rethinking That Gap Ad That Went Viral

While retailer, Gap, showed support for the Muslim model by changing their Twitter background, solidarity should be expressed in larger, more impactful ways.

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9282797883_4fc9415495An American Muslim Convert Saves Lives

An American Muslim convert finds his calling in Pakistan. Miles away from the United States, he aids in humanitarian efforts in disaster areas.

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rahasliderClimbing the Highest Mountain

One mountaineer’s passion makes her the first Saudi woman and youngest Arabian to summit Mt. Everest. A profile and interview with Raha Moharrak tells what brought her to making history.

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A drone prepares for takeoff in Afghanistan.  Photo courtesy of Corporal Steve Follows/Defence Images/Flickr.

The Corruption of the Best

Violence and corruption go hand in hand. Unfortunately, their union in the sake of inacting justice is a universal concept.

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modernizationThe Modernization of Culture

Turkey’s shifting governmental policies could leave the country in political quicksand. Senior Columnist, Haroon Moghul, addresses the country’s uncertain future in this TIMLive installment.

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samrasliderOne Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Egypt

Mountaineer turned astronaut, Omar Samra will become the first Egyptian in space. This profile and interview discusses his journey into the final frontier.

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gunsliderSeparating Truth and Myth in the American Gun Debate

With a deep-rooted relationship in firearms, America stands alone in its heated debate on gun control. Robert J. Spitzer tracks America’s history with gun legislation.

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Photo courtesy of Kariido85/Flickr.The Scolding

In a narrative of when fashion meets faith, a young girl receives support from an unlikely source. One of our most liked stories on social media.

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incarcerationsliderLocking People in Cages

The number of incarcerated, detained, and deported poor people of color can no longer be ignored. The statistics and stories will astound you.

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