The Islamic Monthly

Humanitarian Aid & Medical Supplies To Gaza Halted by Egyptian Military – Forced to Go Back

Recently, a solidarity aid convoy of at least 500 Egyptian activists and volunteers organized a trip to move from Cairo to Gaza with three vehicles of medical aid.

Activists and volunteers representing a diversity of backgrounds and political orientations mobilized a few days prior via Facebook to gather supplies and volunteers to support the victims of Gaza amidst the current war with Israel. Now in its 18th day, more than 779 Palestinians, most of them civilians, and 32 Israelis have died.

Volunteers moved from central Cairo in eleven buses towards Gaza, passing through security checkpoints but stopped by the military at the al-Balouza checkpoint, several kilometers from the Rafah crossing.

After three hours of waiting, the Egyptian military refused a further entry towards the crossing stating security reasons.

“Not only did the military stop the people’s convoy from passing, but it also blocked the medical aid to go through, and threatened to confiscate it. It was expected that the Egyptian authorities would not allow us to pass even to the border, not just to Gaza. But we got as far as North of Sinai and it proves again that the Egyptian authorities are only enabling the siege further and blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza, which is only benefiting the Israeli occupation. Supporters of Palestine will always continue the pressure and solidarity,” said Gigi Ibrahim, 27, an activist with the Revolutionary Socialists movement.

Tensions escalated between the volunteers and the military. The convoy was forced to turn back to Cairo with its medical aid.

This was my photographic essay of the journey.


An Egyptian activist and volunteer waits to load the buses before departing to Gaza in central Cairo.

Buses move from one checkpont to another.


A volunteer waits in one of the buses as the convoy passes through a security checkpoint.

The convoy’s buses cross the Suez Canal towards al-Balouza checkpoint.

The convoy’s buses cross the Suez Canal towards al-Balouza checkpoint.

Volunteers chant in solidary with Gaza at al-Balouza checkpoint.

An Egyptian soldier raises his rifle during a verbal fight.

Volunteers wait to pass through.

Volunteers protest outside the al-Balouza checkpoint.

An Egyptian soldier hides his face as he passes through the protest.

Volunteers chant in solidary with Gaza, at al-Balouza checkpoint.

The Egyptian military observes the scene as volunteers insist on moving further towards the Rafah crossing.

A volunteer holds the Palestinian flag at al-Balouza checkpoint.

Volunteers convince a comrade to leave following a verbal fight.

Military personnel wait for volunteers to leave.