Zaid Hassan

Zaid Hassan

Zaid Hassan is CEO and Co-Founder of Roller Strategies, a professional services firm focused on next-gen solutions to the world's most complex challenges. Zaid is also author of The Social Labs Revolution: A New Approach To Solving Our Most Complex Challenges.


The Life and Times of a Little Island

The Life and Times of a Little Island

“It's raining Thursday. Brexit. Economic crash. Food riots. Slide into fascism. At war with China. Trenches all ac
The Corruption of the Best

The Corruption of the Best

For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; Lilies that fester, smell far worse than weeds  – Shakespear
Where are the Muslims?

Where are the Muslims?

Syria burns while the international community continues its anemic efforts to stop Assad from massacring his own populat
Dance with the Devil

Dance with the Devil

Have they not travelled in the land so that they should have hearts with which to feel and ears with which to hear? For
Notes Towards An Incomplete Manifesto for Liberating the Muslim Mind

Notes Towards An Incomplete Manifesto for Liberating the Muslim Mind

Imagine for a moment an alternative history. Imagine a world in which Muslim scholars never bothered to translate the Gr
The End of Major Combat Operations

The End of Major Combat Operations

By: Zaid Hassan All the way from antiquity to the Cold War, strategy was conceived as “grand strategy” which
A Future History of the Islamic State

A Future History of the Islamic State

Injustice brings about the ruin of civilization. – Ibn Khaldûn In this moment, when the contours of Arab soc