Saadia Faruqi

Saadia Faruqi

Saadia Faruqi is an interfaith activist, blogger for Tikkun Daily and editor of the Interfaith Houston blog. She is currently writing a collection of short stories based in Pakistan. Follow her on Twitter @saadiafaruqi.


The World of Islamic Fiction

The World of Islamic Fiction

Ever heard of Na’ima B. Robert or Randa Abdel-Fattah? Most people have not, but these women, along with a few othe
I Really Need a (Super)Hero

I Really Need a (Super)Hero

“There’s no such thing as superheroes!” “There are too!” “Are not! At least not in r
Same Old Questions about Muslims and Halloween

Same Old Questions about Muslims and Halloween

Halloween is fast approaching and my children are asking yet again about costumes and jack-o-lanterns. It amazes me how
Do Muslims Really Care About Martin Luther King Jr.?

Do Muslims Really Care About Martin Luther King Jr.?

It’s Martin Luther King Day tomorrow and American Muslims have predictably split into two camps. One group will ce
Bidding Farewell to Ramadan

Bidding Farewell to Ramadan

So much has happened in my life in the last one month. Yes partly because of Ramadan, but mainly because this year&rsquo
The Balance of Motherhood in Ramadan

The Balance of Motherhood in Ramadan

I had always heard growing up that one of the goals of Ramadan is to bring out the best in a Muslim. In addition to pray
Something Missing This Ramadan

Something Missing This Ramadan

Family reunions are amazing, especially those that involve several generations of family members. Reunions in Ramadan ar
My Ramadan Family Reunion

My Ramadan Family Reunion

For many Muslims, time seems to fly only in the context of Ramadan. For the last few months, I’ve heard countless