The Islamic Monthly

Alcoholism and Relationships: The Effects of Alcohol Abuse

how does alcohol affect relationships

Or do you feel like you can’t seem to have a single good day anymore, no matter how hard you try? If so, it may be time to consider how alcohol is impacting your relationship. By taking a closer look, you might find that you or your partner’s drinking habits are at the core of many of your disagreements. Alcohol abuse is a known risk factor for domestic violence The American Psychological Association states that drinking and abusing drugs increases your chances of becoming a perpetrator—and victim—of intimate partner violence. Relationship with alcoholic may increase the risk of engaging in other substance abuse, alcohol and relationships further complicating the relationship and posing additional health and psychological challenges. Alcohol use disorder severely impacts an individual’s personality and, as a result, can make them unrecognizable from the person they were before they started drinking.

Alcohol Addiction Support

If someone in a relationship has a drinking problem, it can leave the other person feeling disconnected and distant from their partner. And even if both parties drink together, they might only feel a sense of connection while the alcohol Substance abuse is involved. This can lead to reduced intimacy and a disconnect in the relationship as a whole. It is crucial to have an understanding of the influence that alcohol misuse has on relationships in order to handle the issues that it poses. When important responsibilities and goals, like one’s career, one’s family, and one’s own growth, are placed on the back burner in favor of drinking, it is feasible for a relationship to become filled with rage and conflict.

Effects on Children and Young Adults

Finances are often one of the biggest stressors in a relationship, and if you add alcohol into the mix, finances can become even more volatile. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including overspending at the bar or grocery store, spending money on hangover cures and cab fares, and making irresponsible financial decisions when under the influence. Drinking can lead to even more serious financial consequences if an individual loses their job, or gets into legal trouble due to their drinking. A person struggling with alcoholism may withdraw emotionally, become less interested in spending time with their partner, and be unwilling to offer emotional support. If you are in a relationship or in love with someone and either of you is struggling with alcoholism, help is available.

Female partners are especially influential, for better or worse.

But there are ways you can recognize when alcohol might be negatively affecting your relationships — and when it may be time to get help. Too much drinking can lead to less time spent together—and the time you do spend together can feel less meaningful. For example, someone who drinks a lot might miss out on time with their spouse because they’d rather be at a bar or party.

Also, if it’s a male partner who is struggling with alcohol use disorder, he may also have difficulties getting and maintaining an erection. Over time, unhealthy alcohol use can develop into alcohol use disorder (AUD), a medical condition characterized by drinking more than you want to for longer than you want to. Because of = how alcohol impacts the brain and relationships, AUD can be hard to navigate both for the individual, and their partner. As alcohol use disorder progresses, many people find their friendships are predicated on alcohol.