Welcome to The Islamic Monthly's website!

The magazine was co-founded and run by three American Muslim women in 2010 inspired by the publication's former magazine, Islamica. The magazine successfully printed bi-annullly from 2011-2018 with daily digital content and exclusive interviews in the form of print, audio and visual stories. The magazine's core principle was to allow for a space for stories of all kinds related to American Muslims, while striving for abiding by ethical journalism. Despite it's many successes, including a number of exclusive interviews and having articles referenced in mainstream press in America often, and challenges the magazine could not sustain itself or find the proper funding to continue publishing. It never officially shuttered but stopped active publishing in 2018.

This site is archived. The homepage below will select articles at random for your viewing. The previous print issues are also available for your viewing.

Featured Pieces

Defeating Hate?

Defeating Hate?

Can Education Defeat Hate? Religion Courses Teach Youths to Respect All Faiths Caitlin Gillooly had a sense of sadness a
The Carpets of Turkey

The Carpets of Turkey

The Grand Bazaar is the heart of old Istanbul. It is one of the oldest shopping malls in the world, with more than 3,000
Rethinking Political Islam in the 21st Century

Rethinking Political Islam in the 21st Century

By Shadi Hamid and William McCants In the early 1990s, a new debate around the role of Islam and politics — and mo
Trusting the Taliban, Again?

Trusting the Taliban, Again?

Pakistan is stubbornly waiting for a miracle. Years of on-and-off negotiations with terrorists and half-hearted talks wi
Countering Misrepresentations … ARTISTICALLY

Countering Misrepresentations … ARTISTICALLY

[Headnote] The British Museum s Artists-in-Schools Project
Engaging Muslims in the 21st Century

Engaging Muslims in the 21st Century

Special Representative to Muslim Communities U.S. Department of State I will never forget walking into the Treaty Room o
Fighting the Religious Right to Save the Johnson Amendment

Fighting the Religious Right to Save the Johnson Amendment

This is the second part of a two-part series. Part one gives an overview of the Johnson Amendment and how it affects min
Will There be a Revolution in Jordan?

Will There be a Revolution in Jordan?

Unrest in Jordan slowly simmered before the “Arab Spring.” However, tensions in the Hashemite Kingdom erupte



Featured From Print

I Was Housed, Fed, Loved and Saved in Syria By the Refugees