Welcome to The Islamic Monthly's website!

The magazine was co-founded and run by three American Muslim women in 2010 inspired by the publication's former magazine, Islamica. The magazine successfully printed bi-annullly from 2011-2018 with daily digital content and exclusive interviews in the form of print, audio and visual stories. The magazine's core principle was to allow for a space for stories of all kinds related to American Muslims, while striving for abiding by ethical journalism. Despite it's many successes, including a number of exclusive interviews and having articles referenced in mainstream press in America often, and challenges the magazine could not sustain itself or find the proper funding to continue publishing. It never officially shuttered but stopped active publishing in 2018.

This site is archived. The homepage below will select articles at random for your viewing. The previous print issues are also available for your viewing.

Featured Pieces

Are bold expressions of faith appropriate during the World Cup ?

Are bold expressions of faith appropriate during the World Cup ?

The World Cup is a composite of hundreds of players from varying faiths. Some men make the sign of the cross in a prayer
Teenage Poet Assaulted after Critique of Muslim Community

Teenage Poet Assaulted after Critique of Muslim Community

Echoing the events of 2010, in which Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard depicted the Prophet Muhammad in a controversial
Reclaiming My Life After Sexual Abuse

Reclaiming My Life After Sexual Abuse

  Life After the Loss of Innocence “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and yo
An Ahmadi Muslim’s Letter to American Sunni Leaders‏

An Ahmadi Muslim’s Letter to American Sunni Leaders‏

On July 8, 2016, prominent American Muslim cleric Imam Omar Suleiman gave a brilliant speech at the Dallas Police memori
Ending Racial Disparities – Law Enforcement and Blacks in America

Ending Racial Disparities – Law Enforcement and Blacks in America

The Ghosts of Jim Crow today and ‘White Flight, Slurs, Profiling, Police Brutality and Tracking’   Pres
U.S. Election 2016 Perspective Series

U.S. Election 2016 Perspective Series

The 2016 US presidential election cycle was memorable in many ways and brought up a number of important issues for the n
How to Build a Mosque in America and Watch it Burn to the Ground: Bellevue, Washington Edition

How to Build a Mosque in America and Watch it Burn to the Ground: Bellevue, Washington Edition

By Arshad Ahmad, as told to TIM Editors. On January 14, a community member called me around 2:50 a.m. to let me know our
I Fear “The” Saudi Man.

I Fear “The” Saudi Man.

I fear “the” Saudi man.   I mean I fear for “the” Saudi man. Ever since the bombings, I wil



Featured From Print

I Was Housed, Fed, Loved and Saved in Syria By the Refugees