Welcome to The Islamic Monthly's website!

The magazine was co-founded and run by three American Muslim women in 2010 inspired by the publication's former magazine, Islamica. The magazine successfully printed bi-annullly from 2011-2018 with daily digital content and exclusive interviews in the form of print, audio and visual stories. The magazine's core principle was to allow for a space for stories of all kinds related to American Muslims, while striving for abiding by ethical journalism. Despite it's many successes, including a number of exclusive interviews and having articles referenced in mainstream press in America often, and challenges the magazine could not sustain itself or find the proper funding to continue publishing. It never officially shuttered but stopped active publishing in 2018.

This site is archived. The homepage below will select articles at random for your viewing. The previous print issues are also available for your viewing.

Featured Pieces

Will There be a Revolution in Jordan?

Will There be a Revolution in Jordan?

Unrest in Jordan slowly simmered before the “Arab Spring.” However, tensions in the Hashemite Kingdom erupte
The Perpetual state of PTSD in Gaza’s Children

The Perpetual state of PTSD in Gaza’s Children

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) an extreme and growing reality for all children in Gaza   A recent article pu
We need a Trump presidency

We need a Trump presidency

Poll numbers are starting to look ominous for Donald Trump, who surprisingly managed to remain an actual candidate for p
We Haven’t Learned to Live With Diversity

We Haven’t Learned to Live With Diversity

“We have not learned to live with diversity,” says Ziauddin Sardar, one of Britain’s most prominent li
Dark Mirror

Dark Mirror

It seemed like a good idea at the time. I was president of the FDNY Islamic Society, which was embroiled in disputes wit
The Quebec City shooting and Canada’s false “immunity”

The Quebec City shooting and Canada’s false “immunity”

It’s hardly a question by now that today’s right-wing, anti-Muslim sentiment has an emboldening effect on th
Cartoonists React to Charlie Hebdo

Cartoonists React to Charlie Hebdo

Edited and compiled by: TIM Features Editor Yasmine Hassan In the wake of the attack on Charlie Hebdo in France, a narra
Courage to Speak Up, Courage to Listen

Courage to Speak Up, Courage to Listen

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. —Winston Chu



Featured From Print

I Was Housed, Fed, Loved and Saved in Syria By the Refugees