The Islamic Monthly

2011 Notable Initiatives


Established in 2009, Convergence is a nonprofit organization that employs dialogue and consensus-building strategies to create solutions to domestic and international concerns. Convergence’s leadership conducts dialogues that can construct new opportunities to reach solutions and forge alliances.

Center for American Progress – Young American Muslim Voices Initiative

The Center for American Progress launched the Young Muslim American Voices initiative aimed at pushing back against anti-Muslim sentiment and rhetoric. The initiative includes a convening of 15 young American Muslim leaders for a round table discussion on civic engagement and exploring ways to support their work. The roundtable was videotaped and shared with various interfaith and policymaking groups. It was also featured on the Washington Post website. The project also produces a series of interviews with these leaders to raise awareness about their work and show the contributions that American Muslims are making in their communities. It also holds policy panels with experts in various fields.

US-Muslim Engagement Initiative

The US-Muslim Engagement initiative is “is launching a multi-year effort to overcome vacuums and create strong new partnerships among established and emerging leaders in US and Muslim societies.” In the next four years, the initiative will bring together civic leaders and policy makers from all faiths to engage in roundtable discussions about issues of concern to the U.S. and Muslim communities. These dialogues will result in policy recommendation for world governments. They will help to facilitate private-public partnership between participants and promote long-term positive relationships. This initiative is co-directed by the Consensus Building Institute, Convergence and the Howard Gilman Foundation (HGF).

Taking it to the Streets: Urban International Festival
Takin’ It to the Streets: Urban International Festival is a Muslim-led festival of artistic expression to inspire social change. It is aimed at bridging the cultural divide that exists between diverse racial, ethnic and religious communities. More than 200,000 people participated, including over 200 vendors. There were four stages set up for performances. The festival was organized by the Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN), “a globally recognized leader that aims to change, serve and inspire by working on social justice issues, delivering a wide range of direct services, and cultivating the arts in urban communities.”

Global Leadership Program, Georgetown University/ Berlitz International
Georgetown University McDonough School of Business partnered with language learning leader Berlitz International, Inc. to create an innovative executive program to help develop the future generation of global leaders. Participants will study under Georgetown University professors in four locations of London, Washington, DC, Shanghai and Bangalore. Participants will engage in roundtable discussions and seminars with experts in the business field. The students will develop personal and professional business strategies to help make them savvy global leaders with international influence. The program is opened to executives with 10 or more years of experience. The program will take place in four one-week modules over eight months.

American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute
The American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California Center for Religion and Civic Culture works in partnership with the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim Christian Understanding at Georgetown University. The Institute aims to train and empower rising American Muslim civic leaders and help them engage in civic participation. This initiative is funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York; Rockefeller Brothers Fund; The Ford Foundation; One Nation for All; The Proteus Fund.

OneWorld 2011
One World 2011 creates constructive relationships between people of the Muslim world and people of the United States. This is done through the exchange of knowledge, culture and ideas. One World 2011 is an international project aimed at promoting understanding and cultural awareness between Muslim nations and the USA. The organization hosts a series of multi-national cultural and sports events beginning in Seattle and the Puget Sound Area in Washington, in September 2011, ten years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Another series of events will follow in a Muslim country in 2013.